AEC Hub benefits

AEC Hub is a new beginning for CAD and BIM collaboration.  No longer are users tied to expensive IT platforms that require teams of costly people to administer, now you can take control, reduce costs and get all the functionality you want and need.  The zero cost of ownership is only the beginning.  The following benefits highlight what a great proposition AEC Hub makes for your business.

Project Collaboration by Design

Collaboration, whether it is in your office or on a project is the standard for working today.

The AEC Hub model is built for collaboration by the experts in it.  The system is engineered to allow teams to work and share on a project in natural and intuitive manner.



Tasks can be assigned and managed in AEC Hub.  A person can assign a task to any person on the project.  The team can then see and monitor the project tasks.  When a task is assigned the person assigning can allocate time to complete it, and provide additional information such as filename and supporting documents.


Reference Files

Engineering with traditional CAD or BIM places a heavy reliance on Reference files to logically structure the project data and avoid repetition of effort.  AEC Hub handle all types of reference files and allows the user to explore the relationships between files within the file management context.

If a file has reference files the file can be expanded to show the files that it references.  The designer can then open the reference file directly without having to navigate to it.

Reference Handling

Project Dashboard

The project dashboard give the project managers a health check view of the project to review progress.  The left hand pane of the dashboard shows a project design feed that is updated constantly showing project activity.  The deliverable panel presents a project status report shoping:

  • Each Workflow on the project
  • The number of files in each workflow state
  • The number of deliverables at each project milestone
  • The number of deliverables in each work package
Project Dashboard

Dynamic Review

AEC Hub is built to use the Autodesk Forge platform.  Doing this enables AEC Hub to review and report on all of the standard Autodesk file formats in the interactive Preview window.  Any model or drawing file can be previewed dynamically in the window.

The user no longer need to have the original application present on their computer to view the file, Engineers, Planners and Project Managers can all view the files in an easy to use read-only environment.

Model Review

Seamless Integration

AEC Hub integrates directly into AutoCAD, Revit, Navisworks and Office.  Direct Integration allows the closest possible connectivity between your applications and AEC Hub, providing the following features in the AutoCAD integration:

  • Full bi-directional title block management.
  • Attach DWG, PDF, Images directly from the cloud.
  • Wblock to the cloud.
  • Insert blocks from the cloud.
  • Revision management.

Design Life-Cycle Integration

AEC Hub is fully integrated into your project design life-cycle.  Part of your team can be editing their models in AutoCAD or Revit in one office.  While across town another part of your team can be conducting a Virtual Design Revue (VDR) session with the client in another office.

AEC Hub, integrates the design process in a seamless pain free way, all with zero cost of ownership.

Design Life-cycle Integration